Increasing solar PV energy in the energy mix is becoming essential in order to reduce or stabilise energy bills, to be compliant with regulations, to enhance the value of land/buildings and to turn CSR engagements into tangible actions. It is becoming necessary for our customers to benefit from a seamless connection to the grid for their renewable energy projects, with precise control of frequency and load shifting capabilities using exclusively battery energy storage systems (BESS). They expect technical expertise, adherence to quality standards, respect on time and budget, capability in terms of innovation and digitalisation.
Equans, a global leader with a strong international presence, offers comprehensive solutions to meet your energy and services needs. With procurement leverage, innovation partnerships, financial stability, and nearly a decade of experience in energy storage projects, we are your trusted partner.

“ We believe very strongly in a grid distribution system combining solar, wind, and storage, because you can use the same grid infrastructure more efficiently and generate more energy. ”
Our dedicated local operational teams are well-versed in operational, legal, and HSE requirements, ensuring compliance and efficiency.
We provide turnkey solutions and serve as an Engineering Procurement Construction partner for Balance of System (BoS), delivering:
- In-house expertise in project and site management, covering the entire value chain from development to engineering and installation for energy storage systems alone or combined with solar installations
- Specialisation in high voltage/medium voltage electrical engineering, construction, protection & control engineering, procurement, and compliance with grid codes and automation.
- Proficiency in civil & structural works (subcontracted), software integration, and knowledge of grid integration, transport, and energy distribution.
Our capabilities extend to implementing energy storage for renewable energy projects or as standalone endeavors. We secure our supply chain in battery components and modules, especially thanks to our purchasing office based in Shanghai.
Eventually, Equans stands by its performance guarantees, ensuring on-time delivery, battery availability, lifetime performance, and round-trip efficiency for our customers’ peace of mind.
Giga Buffalo - Lithium-ion battery storage system - Lelystad, The Netherlands
The Netherlands’ largest battery project in 2022, directly connected to two major wind farms. As EPC, Equans realised the entire system, including the medium-voltage connection, installation of batteries, all cabling, and all civil works (such as foundations). The amount of energy stored is comparable to the total annual electricity consumption of approximately 9,900 households.Technical info: 36 energy storage cubes (1.333 kWh per cube), 8 inverters, 8 step up transformers, control container with 23 kV switchgear/telecom and an inverter.
Battery supplier: Wartsilia
Giga Rhino - Lelystad, The Netherlands
Equans served as EPC for this project, which was the most powerful battery in the Netherlands when it was completed in 2020. Located next to the Neushoorntocht wind farm, it puts a larger amount of renewable energy on the power grid, while stabilizing the grid. Rhino's 23 kV grid connection also comes from the wind farm. The amount of energy stored is comparable to the total annual electricity consumption of approximately 5,000 households.
Battery supplier: NEC